Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Know what for AZbox ME on Ebay you buy!

For US and Canadian buyers:

Please note that the AzBox Me currently listed on eBay is NOT from an authorised AzBox dealer! The same eBay member is also selling AzBox clone models so it is very likely that the AzBox Me model he is selling is a clone as well. Please also read the comment of pwrsurge !

New generation authentic AzBoxes such as the Me have a USB security dongle pre-installed inside the unit which can't be copied. This acts like a key that validates that the AzBox is authentic so most if not all operating system images will fail to operate properly without a valid USB security dongle.
As it appears that there are now AzBox ME clones in the market currently being sold on eBay, authorised AzBox dealers such as Rick's for the US and Dr. Sat in Canada are being forced to start offering the AzBox Me even though the Android operating system is still a work in progress. These pre-release units will only have the current AzTrino operating system installed so we only recommend that advanced users purchase these at this time.

The AzTrino operating system is geared mostly for European users using their receiver to view subscription programming as most providers in that area allow third party receivers to be used with their smart card so it is not really suited for feedhunting like we do here in North America. As previously stated, the Android operating system is being developed with feedhunting and the North American market in mind and will be available by summer of this year.


  1. Just to clarify, we NEVER stated that there was AzBox Me clones being sold on eBay so the title of this blog post is misleading! The eBay member selling the AzBox Me could very well be selling authentic units but it's hard to tell if this is true as he is not an authorised AzBox dealer.

    We are now selling the AzBox Me on eBay as well as an authorised AzBox dealer. It is available at
