Dear friends of Open AZBox MOD Community,
Team is also focused on development of Open AZBox MOD for OLD Models, so thank You for patience. Many new things will soon come to Me/miniMe, including USB Tuner support, and new AZPlay (AZBox Multimedia Player, all in one for Pictures, Music, Video, IPTV and all kind of other multimedia, AirPlay + UPnP).AZPlay is pure Sigma Player which can do all supported by Sigma SoC, and it is really advanced player with many options. As already said, we are also working on OLD AZBox Models, where we already have Open AZBox MOD running on Elite, Premium+ and Ultra, just problem exist on Premium and we are looking in to how to fix it ASAP.
We will try to not comment any silly rumors, but we are fully commited to Open AZBox MOD which is based on Open PLi. Soon You can expect more infos also trough Official PLi Web site and Forum
OpenAZBox PLi MOD Me image is fully based on OpenPLi 2.1 Enigma 2
Kernel: Linux azboxme 3.3.1
Enigma 2: 1. july 2012.
Drivers: Sun July 1 14:22:38 CEST 2012
- Fixed many exiting bug's inside of Enigma 2 and other parts of Image.
- Fixed Standby, On/Off LED behaviour
- Fixes inside of kernel for better stabillity of all aspects.
- New drivers with support for Blindscan (You can download directly from Image plugin called Satscan, Menu -> Plugins -> Green button for Plugins download).
Download : -link-
Also Persian Prince released a version beased on this OpenAZbox MOD : link
Note: Update must be done with an USB:
copy "zbimage-linux-xload" and "image0.jffs2" files to your fat32 formatted USB flash memory (for Me also copy update.ext)
connect it to your AZBox Me/miniMe
turn on your STB
it will be installed on BOOT 0 , if you wanna install it for example on BOOT 1 just rename the image0.jffs2 to image1.jffs2
Beta Aztrino 2.0 with new kernel
RTI from RTI forum just upload a fix for Usals for this image.